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Discover what many Business Owners, Business Leaders and their Teams are yet to find out about how High-Performance Teamwork can bring Phenomenal Business Success.
If you are a business owner or you lead a business team it is likely that you are either not satisfied or perhaps quite frustrated with the results that you are getting. You may be doing Ok, but you know you can do much better.  If, even with your best efforts, you can’t seem to pin down exactly what is wrong, then I can help.

It’s tough to have a brilliant business idea, your big dream, that you invest everything into.  Great technical support structures. Highly trained and qualified team members. Everything looks perfect. Yet you are working harder than ever and, your leaders and their teams can’t seem to get their act together.  And worse, the bottom line you hope for is just not happening.
This message is definitely NOT for every Business Owner or Business Leader.
Maybe you think you are at the top of your game and don’t need to grow.  If that’s the case, this message is not for you. If however, this scenario sounds familiar, and you are ready take your business performance to new levels, I can offer you a different approach.  You and your team can get better results than you have ever got before, once you are willing to do what you have never done before. I am about to share a concept with you that many business owners and leaders have never heard about or are not willing to try.  If you choose to adopt it, you can move your company’s results from where they are now to phenomenal success. What many business owners, and leaders are yet to accept is that success does not lie in the business, its products or its operations.  Yes, these are important. But the true and lasting success of your business lies in your leaders and your teams.  In how they think, the decisions they make and the actions they take every day in your business. And there is a way to harness that success. It’s not that your people don’t know how to do their jobs. They do. But they are often victims of the performance gap.  That gap between knowing what to do and actually doing it. We all know it’s fairly easy to teach someone to do something.  What we don’t know is how to get them to do it once they already know how, but just won’t.
Who am I and what Value can I bring to You and your Business?
How would your business grow if your leaders and team members consistently performed at the levels they are capable of?  I was a successful banking executive for 30 years handling processes, systems, and operations. This was significant learning, but pales in comparison to what I learnt over the past 6 1/2 years about developing leaders, so they not only do what they have been trained to do, but they do so willingly and creatively.     To understand what is stopping our people from performing at their best, not only on the job but in every area of their lives, we need to get ‘under the hood’.  You cannot improve what you are not aware of and the only kind of improvement that lasts is the one that comes from addressing the cause of the problem and not just it’s effects.  This is the expertise that I now bring to you. Business coaching that brings Clarity on your goals and Focus on your Priorities to draw out the best performance from your leaders and team members. The bottom line is, if you want to develop your business, you must first develop your people and then they will bring you success
My Value Proposition for You and your Business
Over the past few years I have been on a journey of business exploration, growth and discovery.  Not only in my own country of Trinidad and Tobago, but with leaders in several countries all over the world and as a Coach on the John Maxwell Team transformation missions to Guatemala, Paraguay and Costa Rica between 2013 to 2018.  No experience can be more fulfilling and rewarding than contributing to the tremendous business improvement that comes from developing leaders and their teams. Each week I share my reflections or Success Insights with hundreds of business owners and leaders to help them to grow and succeed. Business owner Debbie eagerly shared with me how my Success Insights stimulated her business growth and success.  This is what she said. Debbie said, “You are so right Monica, by becoming more aware, I was able to change my attitude, prepare my mind for a new vision, and act to achieve MY own objectives (thanks to you).” If you want to receive my Success Insights to kickstart the process of growth and success of your own business, please sign up the contact form on this page.  These valuable weekly insights into the real challenges that businesses face will inspire you to grow and transform how you lead your own business. I will not share your information and you will never have to pay for the insights.  So, go ahead, sign up now and start your own journey of personal and business success.
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